Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hearted: Art That Helps Inspiratons

Many of you may remember that I am participating in an online art project started by Promise Tangeman that I blogged about HERE - basically she has a friend that started a non-profit and Promise got together a bunch of creative people who also have an etsy shop. All of "us" were to create a piece that we came up with when we think of words like humility, sacrifice, helping others, love wins, Haiti, etc. Then, Promise is combining all the pieces and we're going to sell them through our shops raising money to a Haiti relief fund. We also were only allowed to use 4 specific colors. Cool huh? You can read more of the specifics on the post above.  Before creating my piece I decided to just google some of the images above to see what inspired me! Soon, I'll show you what I come up with! What do you think of when you hear these words?



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