I made this for my good friends Shannon & Scott who just got married. I took their engagement photos awhile back and I used them to do a little mixed media project. Enjoy!
p.s. you can see more of their engagement photos here!
My name is Emilee and I'm so glad you stopped by. I love all things craft and vintage. I don't chew gum. I don't like chips. I consume un-human amounts of coffee and chocolate on a daily basis. I love meeting new creative people and I hope you leave this blog a little more inspired. Enjoy!
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I work hard to create fun new content and all the DIY's on here are actually made by me in my home. I do it because I love it. If you see something that made your day, inspired you in some way, or just made you smile, I'd love for you to leave a comment to let me know! That way, I know what my readers love and don't love. Thanks friends!
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