I have been working my little fingers away creating custom veils and garters like a crazy person lately - and loving every minute of it. However, I decided to take a little break from some of my recent orders to do some inspiration on my new Tasteful Packaging. Now that the shop is re-opened I want to have a fresh look on my business. You may have noticed by site, twitter, and blog redesign - which I LOVE! So why not revamp my packaging as well, right? That is almost my favorite part... besides my actual Tatters of course =) So I went to my trusty source - Pinterest to look for some awesome packaging inspiration and I thought I'd share my finds. How would you like to see your Tatters packaged?? I'd love your feedback!

They all look amazing, but LOVE source5!!!
i love pretty packaging!! these are all great inspiration!
Four and five are my favorites. :)
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