Sunday, October 4, 2009

Flower Child

I joke around with people sometimes that I was born in the wrong era. I have always been drawn to specific elements anywhere from the 20's all the way through the 80's. Today I was able to hang out with my long-time friend Shannon and her husband. While we were chatting I flipped on Shannon and my all time favorite movie every - That Thing You Do. We can basically quote every line =) Aaanyways, watching the 60's set film made me fall in love all over again with the clothes of this era. Then, I thought I should just make some! Haha... so maybe in the near future you will be able to see some of my 60's styled creations, but until then, check out these cool images I found. What do you think??

And of course, my 60's-70's fashion muse - Twiggy!


Paintings by Lee Anne Bourque said...

nice site!! thanks for sharing!! :>)

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