Thursday, December 8, 2011

Wedding Invite Ornament

Another Holiday Craft Corner post! I am just loving these =) I saw this idea on Pinterest, and of course pinned it, not really planning on doing it, just a "saving it for later" sort of thing. All you pinners know exactly what I'm talking about. Then, I went over to a friends this week for a girls craft day and she totally was doing this with her wedding invitations for their tree. It looked so cute and easy I just had attempt it myself. As I was making them for our own first lil' tree, I thought of all the weddings I had been to this year and all the newlyweds who were celebrating their first Christmas and probably needing ornaments like us! Then, I was thinking what a great and easy gift this would be for them. So if you're like me and have saved an invite, program, escort card, any paper products this would make a super fun and easy and amazingly thoughtful gift to give to your newlywed friends!
{ S U P P L I E S }
I used a blade cutter, but you can just use scissors, paper product like an invite, plastic or glass ball ornament ( I got mine at Michaels for $.99 each!)

{ S T E P S }
1 - simply cut strips of whatever paper you are using
2 - wrap your strips around a pencil, pen, or a paintbrush (that's what I used)
3 - stuff your strips into the ball to as full as you want. That's it!


  1. So cute & easy, Emilee! I know exactly what you mean on the "save it for later" ideas on Pinterest! :)

  2. Wow. The wedding invitation idea that you have posted above is simply creative. I am so impressed that I will definitely use it on my wedding. Its very innovative and gorgeous too.
